Wednesday 1 April 2015

Episode 22: 64 days on MiniMed 640G System: Exercise week - Managing My Type 1 Diabetes

Welcome back!

This VLOG is an exercise frenzy showing the effect of exercise in Diabetes Control. Key aspects being the difference between:
1. Exercising with active insulin board and not
2. Endurance exercise vs. Resistance exercise
3. Planning for before, during and after exercise

Other Highlights include:
1. Seeing Danielle's Yoga Moves
2. Seeing Becky and Lucy take on the old man (me) at Functional Fitness
3. Me overdosing on chocolate before exercise - Nightmare

To get the full exercise story please see:
1. Episode 21 for the full explanation of diabetes and exercise and planning

2. Episode 14 for resistance exercise and diabetes

An example of the Yoga that was missing!

Excellent Web-Sites that have really good Exercise and Diabetes information:
Excarbs - By Diabetes and Exercise Gurus: David Kerr, Helen Partridge, Michale Riddell
Diabetes Motion - Sheri Colberg - leading Diabetes and Exercise Expert

A good recent blog done by Dave Sowerby -

A Massive thanks the Sam Smith, owner of RIGS FITNESS for allowing me to film some of the sessions and generally owning the best gym! Check it out at the below sites


Massive Thanks to Danielle for being a wicked Yoga Instructor.

Danielle Yoga Instructor:

Thanks to Becky and Lucy for being great sports and all round future fitness superstars!

Becky Hayes:   Twitter:
Lucy Turnbull:    Twitter

Well I hope this helps and also provides a little inspiration that with a little planning people with type 1 diabetes can do whatever they want! Well apart from overdosing on chocolate!

Trying to make a decision on the next VLOG, options are:
1. Carb counting
2. Sensor performance, expectations and how MARD gets better after day one of insertion, false suspends and how to manage
3. Review of SMART GUARD and where works its best and where it does not
4. Open to ideas if you want something specific

Let me know what you would prefer by comment below or on Twitter @MM640G

Until next time! Oh and don't overdose on Chocolate! It's only Easter after all1


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