Tuesday 24 February 2015

Episode 17: 64 Days on MiniMed 640G: Managing my type 1 diabetes: SmartGuard works with Red Wine? Check! Foggy head? Check! All in thename of Type 1 research debateable!

I thought I would put Smart Guard to the test with a little red wine tipple on a Tuesday evening, which seemed like a good idea at the time but now it's Wednesday morning and the red wine fog has emerged, I am not so sure!

I have just inserted my third sensor and this picture shows after inserting the new sensor it was tracking well. The first only lasted four days but the second sensor the full six days. Lets see how the third one goes.
The theory with alcohol is that each unit of alcohol takes 1 hour to be processed by your liver (detoxify the poison). Whilst the liver is detoxifying the alcohol it significantly reduces its output of glucose, the main reason why we have basal insulin. So in theory if the BG is stable before bed, your have some alcohol with no carbs and do not reduce your insulin (in my case the basal rate) you should have a hypo! So I decided half a bottle of red wine (5 units of alcohol with very little carb content) whilst watching the cricket world cup would be a good idea to see if Smart Guard stopping and restarting the basal would work!
This picture shows the morning calibration was pretty spot on with the sensor and looking back on the last three hours there had been no Smart Guard action. All I have to show for my troubles is a red wine fog!!!!
However on second look back over the night your can see here you can see between 01:30 - 02:15 there was a suspend before low and automatic basal resume preventing a hypo. As I had the wine at 22:00 I would have expected the liver to be producing little glucose from 10:00 to 03:00 (5 units of alcohol takes 5 hours to be processed), therefore a Smart Guard event at 01:30 is right where you would expect it to work. Sweet I do not need to worry about recovering from a hypo this morning BUT Smart Guard unfortunaltey does nothing for the hangover! URGH
It seems Smart Guard will help with a little mid week tipple! The bigger challenge will be the upcoming stag do to Prague! Anyone got any experience and suggestions.
Well the good thing is the alcohol will have been full processed by 03:00 so ready to drive for work, just hope these Paracetamol kick in quick time!

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